UDS 2011|2012 session

Reference list


1. [E] Lynch K. (1984), The Immature Arts of City Design, in T. Banerjee, M. Southworth (eds.), City Sense and City Design. Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch, Mit Press, Cambridge-London 1996

2. [E] Lynch K. (1960), The Image of the City, MIT Press, Boston 1992

3. [I] Macchi Cassia C., Orsini M., Privileggio N., Secchi M. (2004), X Milano, Hoepli, Milano 2004

4. [E] Gregotti, V. (1965), The Form of the Territory, in OASE Journal for Architecture, n.80 - “On Territories”, 2009 [The article can be downloaded following the link, together with all other issues of the OASE Journal: http://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/80]

5. [E] Gabellini P. (2011), Echoes of the “Berkeley School”: an Italian experience of urban planning, “Journal of Urban Design”, 16.2, 2011


1. [I - E] B. Bonfantini, F. Evangelisti, (a cura di, 2009), Bologna. Leggere il nuovo piano urbanistico. PSC + RUE + PC, Edisai, Ferrara

2. [I - E] Ginocchini G., Manaresi C. (a cura di, 2008), Bologna, un nuovo piano, in Urbanistica, n. 135, pp-44-91

3. [E] Gabellini P. (2006), Interpreting the breakdown of the urban model: three Italian case studies, in Enlil Z. La Greca P. (eds), Cities between Integration and Disintegration. Opportunities and Challenges, IsoCaRP Review 02, Sitges

4. [I] Gabellini P. (2006), Interpretare la rottura del modello urbano: tre casi italiani, in Territorio, n. 38, 2006, pp-88-95


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The visit to the project areas
in Bologna
will take place on
Thursday, 27th October 2011.
The appointment is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at the Bologna Central Station,
[in front of the station's main entrance
Piazzale delle Medaglie d'Oro]

After the visit some meetings with the Municipal technicians and architects will follow at the Bologna Urban Center
[Sala Borsa, P.zza Nettuno 3, Bologna]


Patrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Nicolò Privileggio
mailto: nicolò.privileggio@tiscali.it

Giulia Fini
mailto: fini.giulia@gmail.com
Alessandro Mingolo
mailto: alessandromingolo@xmstudio.it

Time-table and Location
9.15 – 13.15
14.15 – 19.15
[Classroom B4.4 - Aula Bernasconi]

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