Lessons and seminars


(a.y. 2010/2011)

01 - 2010.10.11_A re-composition problem

02 - 2010.10.11_Territorial materials

03 - 2010.10.11_Patterns

04 - 2010.10.12_Milan urban region

05 - 2010.10.12_A sampling survey

06 - 2010.10.18_Performances and ways of use

07 - 2010.10.18_Urban rhythms

08 - 2010.10.19_Perceptions and memories

09 - 2010.10.19_Construction sites and projects

10 - 2010.11.22_Recomposition scheme - Cernusco sul Naviglio

11 - 2010.11.22_Recomposition scheme - San Donato Milanese

12 - 2010.11.29_Recomposition scheme - Bologna

13 - 2010.11.29_Recomposition scheme - Esino Valley

14 - 2010.11.30_Recomposition scheme - Dorsale verde Pedemontana Landscape

15 - 2010.11.30_Recomposition scheme - Pedemontana Lombarda

16 - 2010.12.13_Recomposition scheme - Antwerp


(a.y. 2009/2010)

> 01_2010.03.17_Urban design studio: an introduction

> 02_2010.03.17_The territorial field

> 03_2010.03.17_Patterns of the contemporary city: a re-composition problem

> 04_2010.03.17_Contemporary composition schemes

> 05_2010.03.19_What to do first step territorial field

> 06_2010.03.24_Dotazioni/Territorial materials

> 07_2010.03.31_Milan urban region

> 08_2010.04.21_Urban rhythms. Time-Space Description of Contemporary City

> 08_2010.04.21_Facilities performances and ways of use

> 09_2010.04.28_Perceptions and memories

> 10_2010.04.30_Construction sites and projects

> 11a_2010.05.28_Tirana recomposition projects

> 12_2010.06.04_Composition tools. Cernusco land use Plan

> 13_2010.06.09_Re-Composition. Bologna and Esino Valley


(a.y. 2008/2009)

> 01_09.03.18_A recomposition scheme for a part of the Milan urban region

> 02_09.03.20_A virtual exploration

> 03_09.03.25_Geographical notes

> 04_09.04.08_The first poster table

> 05_09.04.29_Four operations to survey and interpret the territorial field and problem

> 06_09.06.09_Composition tools


(a.y. 2007/2008)

> 01_08.03.19_Abitabilità - Liveability (Bertrando Bonfantini)

> 02a_08.03.26_Percezioni - Perceptions (Bertrando Bonfantini)

> 02b_08.03.26_The City Image and Its Elements, Kevin Lynch (Matteo Bolocan Goldstein)

> 03_08.03.26_Memorie - Memories (Andrea Di Giovanni)

> 04a_08.03.28_Pratiche d'uso - Ways of use (Bertrando Bonfantini)

> 04b_08.04.02_Jan Gehl. Public Space Public Life (Andrea Di Giovanni)

> 05a_08.04.04_An elementary way to drawing in urban planning (Antonio Longo)

> 05b_08.04.04_Redrawing and layering - maps and schemes (Antonio Longo)

> 06_08.04.09_Milan Geographical Dimensions (Matteo Bolocan Goldstein)

> 07a_08.04.16_Populations (Gabriele Pasqui)

> 07b_08.04.16_Racconti del movimento (Prin 2007)

> 07c_08.04.16_Città, luoghi, popolazioni. La prospettiva delle pratiche (Gabriele Pasqui)

> 07d_08.04.16_The New Social Morphology of Cities, di Guido Martinotti (Gabriele Pasqui)

> 08_08.04.18_Dotazioni e prestazioni, Cantieri e progetti, Ambienti  - Facilities and Performance, Construction Sites and Projects, Environments (Bertrando Bonfantini)

> 09a_08.05.07_Project - production, compositions, simulations (Antonio Longo)

> 09b_08.05.07_Colors in plannig (Antonio Longo)

> 10a_08.05.23_Interpreting and Projecting the Contemporary City (Patrizia Gabellini)

> 10b_08.05.23_La Città della ferrovia e la Nuova stazione (Patrizia Gabellini)

> 11_08.05.30_Figure del progetto e Tavola manifesto – Project Concepts and Poster Plan (Bertrando Bonfantini e Antonio Longo)


(a.y. 2006/2007)

> 01_07.03.14_Living

> 02_07.03.21_Perceptions and memories

> 03a_07.04.04_Ways of use

> 03b_07.04.04_Ways of use - Jan Gehl (ita-eng)

> 03c_07.04.04_Populations (ita-eng)

> 04_07.04.18_Construction sites and projects

> 05_07.04.18_Facilities and performance

> 06_07.05.09_Itineraries

> 07_07.05.30_Project concepts



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